Thursday, 16 September 2010

Thank You!

 I would like to thank all the people that have visited my blog since it began. I have regulars and try, when time allows to visit them and leave comments on their posts, there are others that drop by now and again which is great. When i started this blog it was my intention to build a community of people who had an interest in photography that could share their skills and images. I think that although the community is relatively small it has been a success. I have learnt many things about the people who comment, through reading their blogs and seeing their photos and almost feel part of a family. I
hope this continues and that my blogging family continues to grow. So thanks again for being there. Best Wishes Kev x P.S

My next post will be - "How to enhance eyes in photoshop, like the pro's do."
Got the impression from comments on my last post that although image manipulation goes too far at times, people are interested in the process.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am always interested in anything you do in photoshop. and I love your photos and have learned a lot from you. plus just the pleasure of viewing what you do.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm interested too!

Montanagirl said...

I'm always interested in what you're doing in Photoshop. I've done some pretty cool things too, but I always like to see what others are doing as well.