Wednesday, 15 September 2010

For all the girls out there!

I did a post not so long ago about image manipulation and whether there should be a law against it. It was mainly in relation to the effect that it had on young people in regard to the perfect look and body that most celebs seem to have in magazines etc...  Well my suggestion is that if you have young girls and boys who yearn to look like their heroes then let them watch this to see how it's all done. They too can look this good without having to diet to extreme, have thousands of pounds of cosmetic surgeries, etc etc.. Just do a course in photoshop!!!!

Don't believe that what you see is real!

I will do a couple of post in the future to show you some of the tools used to enhance eyes, reshape the body, adding eye lashes etc.. When used with a bit of subtlety they can vastly improve an image without going to extremes. Plus it is fun to do, but remember WHAT YOU SEE ISN'T ALWAYS WHAT YOU GET!


DawnTreader said...

Seeing it like that, one kind of wonders if they ever dare meet anyone "face to face" ... ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I knew this, but this is really amazing to watch. i had never seen it done like this, thanks for posting. i sent you blog to 20 of my friends by email so they can show this to their girls.

Judy said...

GREAT post!
Thanks for sharing!

Montanagirl said...

That's pretty interesting. Maybe I should run myself through Photoshop!! LOL

Valerie said...

Now, if I'd shown you my photograph maybe it would have saved all that dieting. Many, many, many moons ago my friend had her wedding photograph changed... she wanted her waist trimmed down, and got it.

Unknown said...

Very interesting vids. Obviously we can no longer trust the photos we see.
I wish I had such a grasp on Photoshop!

Prettypics123 said...

I remember an interview with Sandra Bullock once. She said that she wished she looked like Sandra Bullock. It was revealing. Good post. Come visit Levonne's Pretty Pics when you have a minute and let me know what you think of my images.

Elaine said...

It's really too bad that these women can't be accepted for who they really are, but guess that's not going to happen. It's amazing how photos can be manipulated to change someone's appearance so much.

Sarah said...

It's shocking and celebrities should be standing up and saying that they don't want this done. If they did, maybe this sort of thing would stop and vulnerable girls (and lads even cos guys photos are doctored too) on the street would stop making themselves ill trying to be 'just like the celebs'. Thanks for sharing these with us.