Monday, 4 July 2011

The Sun Worshipers

Reed Warbler

5 spot Burnet


5 spot Burnet

The sun was was out yesterday in Yorkshire and with it came the wildlife. From the Reed Warbler at the top to the mating 6spot Burnits, the place was buzzing with nature. I spent a couple of hours walking down the canal near where I live and these are a few of the things I saw and photographed.

Yellow hammer

Sedge Warbler


Corn Bunting

I am hopeless when it comes to plants so if any of you know what the pink flowers are please let me know I am eager to learn.


ju-north said...

Love all of these! Never seen the spotty ones!

Sérgio Pontes said...

I love Animals, these have great colors


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are ALL amazing! i have never seen burnits before, and i love the one with the two on either side of the flower. sun worshipers indeed. love all of these

TexWisGirl said...

thank you very much!

those are beautiful shots in a lovely place. :)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

You may have just taken a stroll but the detail, variety and focus on these are wonderful. You exhibit great patience and even better eye for these small creatures.

Thanks for the holiday wishes, mon ami.


ADRIAN said...

A productive day at the mill....can't help with plant ID I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Love those insect shots. With my new macro I'll start stalking insects more instead of birds who don't cooperate as much.

Montanagirl said...

Fabulous series and camera work! Really favor the first two a lot.

Kristin H said...

Ah, the JOY of Nature!

Mersad said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. Those first three could be in a museum.

Scott Law said...

Great shots. I'm always especially fond of macros.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sorry, but plants are hard for me as well and right now I have several that I call unknown red, pink, blue, etc. until I get out the wildflower guide and try to ID them. Your photos were wonderful.

T. Becque said...

A very productive walk! You found some interesting creatures and got great photos out of it too.

Elaine said...

What a productive day you had! You captured some wonderful images, and I especially like the first image of the Reed Warbler.

Amelia & Mihai-Stefan CHIRCA said...

Mother nature is amazing and so generous with us.
As for you and your magic camera, you give us such wonders!
Thank you very much!