Monday, 23 May 2011

Tomato Arto

When the weather is bad and outdoor photography is out of the question, look around there are photo opportunities waiting to be captured.

We planted some tomato plants for my Grandson who is three and they gave me a subject to experiment with while the wind roared and the rain hammered, we have them on our windowsill.

No fruit at the moment just leaves but what wonderful shapes and textures.

"For me, the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity."  
Henri Cartier-Bresson


S. Etole said...

I like the quote that goes along with your photos.

Montanagirl said...

Those are very nice!

Madalina Dascalu said...

I like a lot the 3rd image, nice

Suburban Girl said...

I love how the stems of the leaves curse so gracefully off the main stem.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

There is always something that can be captured by a camera which has an ability to show features, light, details, angles, perspectives that the eyes alone might miss or overlook.


Amelia & Mihai-Stefan CHIRCA said...

Very nice and interesting post. Always something to learn here ;)

DawnTreader said...

Yes there are days when one has to make an extra effort to find the inspiration. Like your experiments!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tomato art indeed, that is what i called my gazillon photos of our mater plants

Carole Poirot said...

That quote is great since I've always seen my sketch book and my photography as two different things - might have to rethink that one then. I really like the pictures and think it's great to look past the obvious shots to create something different. Have a great weekend xo

TexWisGirl said...

you did make them into art! beautiful! thanks for finding my blog today so i could follow you back here!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This post shows that rainy days don't stop a photographer with a creative mind and an available subject. The leaves were great "models."

Anonymous said...

Preciosas fotografías. Mis felicitaciones.