Monday, 25 April 2011


There were five of these circling higher and higher in the evening sky. A single screech signalled their presence and sent everything else for cover. These lovely birds of prey are pretty large and quite abundant in the UK. With a wingspan of 3 3/4 - 4ft they can live up to 25 years. 


S. Etole said...

such interesting markings under their wings ...

Kathy said...

Your buzzards are pretty than ours. Ours are equally large but are black and have bald heads!

ADRIAN said...

Nice one
...........Two hundred percent better than any I've shot.

Beatriz said...

what beautiful colors and patterns on their wings!

Montanagirl said...

Nice shots - really pretty wing patterns.

ju-north said...

Nice pics! Haven't got round to taking pics of birds yet!

Blitz said...

Really great photos. They just look so free. Must be a wonderful feeling up there.

T. Becque said...

Didn't know they could live that long! I like that bw photo below too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our local hawk family has about wiped out our song birds, they are beautiful and I know they are birds of prey, but I miss our little birds. these are beautiful shots

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

You have captured the graceful soaring of these large birds. In the US the buzzards are not quite so good-looking. A lot of other things are not either


Chris said...

Two beautiful shots, but for the angle I think I love the first one more!

chasity said...

they are beautiful... much nicer than what we call a buzzard here.
looks more like our red tailed hawk.

i've often wondered how it feels to soar on the air like this.


Andrew said...

awesome shots, I love the detail in the their wings.