Saturday, 9 April 2011

Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler spot the difference!

Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler
The above photo was taken yesterday at my local nature reserve I believe it to be a Chiffchaff but identification is not easy. I have asked a couple of my bird watching friends and at the moment it is a 50-50 split in opinion.
 It is very hard indeed to tell a Chiffchaff from a Willow Warbler!
There are a few clues Chiffchaffs usually have darker legs and shorter wings, however unless you hear them singing you can never be 100% sure. 
Number 1

Ok look at the above image is this a Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler? 
Before you make up your mind check the next image too.


Not easy is it?
Here is another one that I took in the same area.

Again I think I am right to believe this is a Chiffchaff, but if anyone knows better please let me know.


Montanagirl said...

I really don't know either. I have never seen either one. Do you have a good bird book?

Arti said...

Beautifully captured... Though I am of no use as I have never seen the two types of birds!! Just stumbled on your blog, its fantastic...
Have a lovely sunday:)

Lisa said...

Stunning shot.. Just stunning.

Carla said...

These guys are adorable. Not sure who they are. Love the blue sky.. Carla

MadSnapper n Beau said...

precious is what they are and the first one looks like he is sitting in a swing.

taio said...


Chris said...

I think it is a chiffchaff... The size is also different and the willow warbler tend to be bigger and more yellow. Beautiful shots!

T. Becque said...

I am so not the person to know the difference! About all I can do is think "Oh, what a pretty bird!" :)

Unknown said...

it is definatley a chiffchaf by the markings across its eye.are different to willow warbler as it a slightly thicker bar across top of the eye plus slight curve. nice pic thou.