Thursday, 16 June 2011

Good News and Bad news

Today I have good news and bad news. I started Blogging when I lost my job a couple of years ago. I had worked in the Packaging Industry for over 30 years when a serious knee joint problem meant I could no longer work on machines. I had an operation which did not really work and was told I am too young for a joint replacement so I was left on the sick and my wages stopped. After a year long battle with the company I worked for I was made redundant. I was honestly devastated I was 48 yrs old with a knee of a 70 yr old (as my consultant put it) I have been unemployed now for over 2 years and photography and blogging is the only thing that has kept me sane.
Well a new opportunity has presented itself. My cousin who has his own business has offered my a position. His company is taking over a landfill site in Doncaster (see above photo). the area circled in red is the site I will be working in. He wants me to oversee the project, which will be a regeneration to natural habitat once the large holes have been filled in. It will start as a recycling plant where material will be brought in and sorted. Then once the holes are filled it will be landscaped and there are plans for habitats for grass snakes, bees and other wildlife. As you will notice the site is next to Robin Hood Airport which is home of the last flying Vulcan Bomber. They were originally based here when it was known as RAF Finningley. It is on public display and makes the odd flight at airshows etc..

That my friends is the good news, the bad news is that returning to work means that I will have less time to blog. I have a massive amount to learn about running a landfill site, environmentalism, health and safety as well as a bit of ecology. This is a big challenge which is going to mean educational courses and training for the foreseeable future, but I am really excited at the prospect. The wildlife at this site is fantastic I was there last week and have never seen such a variety of birds, butterflies and flowers. I intend to catalogue the species there and will always have a camera with me. So hopefully I will get the chance to post a few images as we regenerate the site so that you can see our progress.
This is a 10 year project so will nearly take me to retirement I have been so lucky to get this chance to work again and I will be eternally grateful to my cousin for this new beginning.
Thank you all for following my blog and making such wonderful comments, please watch for my posts and I will, where time allows, visit and comment as I have always done.
I really want you to know how much your friendship means to me there has been times when I have been really down and your posts and comments kept me going and many brought a smile.
Thanks again Kevin


ADRIAN said...

Kevin, good luck and congratulations.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, congratulations to you!!! not only working again, but on such a satisfying project too. to be able to return acreage to a wildlife support system would be extremely rewarding. (as would serious recycling efforts). i'm really happy for you - and happy too that you'll keep a camera handy so you can update us once in a while. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

kevin, I am so happy for you, what a blessing. both of my sons lost their jobs 2 years ago, one has found nothing, the other is working a very low paid maint job, 6 months after he was laid off his wife was also laid off from her job, she is waiting tables. they are really struggling to keep their home, and so is my son trying to live on one small income. times are tough and i am so so very happy for you. we will watch for photos from the place. post when you can and dont worry about comments

Anonymous said...

Gee, I think your "bad news" is good news. Surely we can stand a few less posts from you for the benefit of your new career. Best wishes to you.

Sarah said...

Wow wow wow, congratulations. Hope this job is all you could wish for and more. Also, I hope your knee behaves itself. Congrats again :D :D :D

Montanagirl said...

How exciting for you! There are so many people out of work these days, and not by choice. This is a wonderful opportunity for you, and you must have a very special cousin. The very best of luck to you, and I'll be waiting to see what you post!

Scott Law said...

Congratulations and very best of luck on this new adventure and career. You have been blessed. We do hope to see at least a smattering of input on the blog when you can.

S. Etole said...

What a wonderful opportunity for you ... will watch for some of the new sights you will be seeing.


Dawning Inspiration said...

Congratulations Kevin!
So exciting! Looking forward to following you in your journey. Enjoy!

Kathy said...

We'll miss you but will look forward to your posts when you get a chance. After all, we'll get to see those wonderful creatures that live on the land on which you'll be working!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Kevin, this is wonderful news and so glad that you will have this opportunity for an exciting start on a new venture. Certainly we will miss you but I will be glad to see you as you have time to let us know how you are doing.

Best wishes, mon ami!

Unknown said...

Hi Kev,

Congratulations to you, surely we will miss you here, just keep your camera handy so you can show us what to see in Doncaster from time to time.

Wishing you the best of the best and God bless.

Dave here.

ju-north said...

Enjoy your new challenge! Will miss your blogging and super photos!

Carole Poirot said...

Hi Kevin, that's really good news! I'm so happy for you and I think it's very exciting and postive all round. Learning something new and having a new challenge is a great thing.

I've read your comment with a lot of interest and do have to say that I'd be severly annoyed if I had to give up my coffee and chocolate! I am glad though that it obviously was the right thing for you.

As for your knee, I think the NHS doctors are a joke: others get told they're too old for operations while you get told you're too young and they therefore prevent you (at least for a considerable amount of time) to earn a living which in turn puts a strain on the system... etc...absolutely ridiculous.

Have a great weekend, Love from London xo

Tricia Ryder said...

Kevin - I'm so pleased to hear about your new venture; it sounds so exciting and work combined with wildlife - how great is that!

I shall keep watching for your posts and hopefully you'll have the odd minute or two to photograph and post some pictures of your "work's wildlife" :D

Gretchen said...

I'm so happy for you, Kevin! You're going to do really well there and I'm looking forward to seeing all of your photos and reading how you're doing at your new job.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Kevin, I have just been catching up on past blogs and wish you all the best on this new venture. We are all excited for you and look forward to hearing more about this project. Finding time to blog can be hard, but you know your readers will hang in there for an occasional photo update.

J_on_tour said...

That's great news, I'm pleased for you. Best wishes in the new job.
I find working full time and blogging is very ( or too) difficult particularly when there are so many other pressures while my material is not as good as it could be due to the time factor. I have had to cut down my "following" to a loose maximum list of 30 people. .... studying as well is a different ball game yet again. We will look forward to your occasional "on the job" post.

Elaine said...

I'm doing a little catch up on blog reading and just wanted to offer my congratulations to you on your wonderful new opportunity. God bless your cousin for giving you this chance.